Komparasi Eskatologi Injil Lukas dengan Injil Sinoptik Lainnya
"Comparative Luke's Gospel Eschatology with Other Synoptic Gospels," is the subject of an explanatory study of the theological thoughts of Luke as the writer of the Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles, especially those which deal with thoughts or teachings about the end-time doctrine (eschatology) which are compared with the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark, as a series of groups from the Synoptic Gospels. The similarity of words, and the order and even the contents / events that are almost the same between the three, as well as the interests of the end-time doctrine, provide uniqueness for each of the Gospels, specifically for the Gospel of Luke itself. Besides intending to express the uniqueness and difference of Luke's Gospel compared to other Synoptic Gospels, this study also intends to provide information or explanations about things that have coherence and relevance to the end-time doctrine referred to in this research subject, including the need to touch writing Luke in the Acts of the Apostles, and a discussion of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven and other things. Therefore, to embody the above purpose, the author carries out a study of several Bible verses and the views of experts in approaching eschatological verses contained in the three Synoptic Gospels. With this approach, the results of this study explain, among them is that Luke composes his Gospel similar to Mark, only there is an addition to Luke's personal understanding to emphasize the different nuances of his writing. As for the terms of the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven, if Mark and Luke consistently use the phrase Kingdom of God, instead Matthew replaces it with the term "Kingdom of Heaven," even though it has the same meaning, with the intention to provide an easier understanding for the original readers of the books that. In addition, the three authors also write about the coming of Jesus in the future as an important part of fulfilling the promise of God's perfect blessing, so that there is no doubt about the future about the second coming of Christ.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.46929/graciadeo.v1i1.21
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